Interviews & Commentary

  • CFTNI Launches its “Unobstructed Views” Web Series

    On January 28, 2021, the Center for the National Interest began a new video series entitled “Unobstructed Views” which will run on the organization’s YouTube channel. This series of short videos will feature prominent foreign policy experts (including several analysts affiliated with the Center) discussing current topics in international affairs. “Unobstructed Views” seeks to provide

  • The Long-Lasting Impact of the Russian Revolution

    On November 8, Dimitri K. Simes, president and CEO of the Center for the National Interest, was interviewed by Fox News’ James Rosen about the 100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

  • Interview: Professor Robert Legvold

    Are the United States and Europe confronting a new cold war with Russia? Was the original cold war overly militarized? What effect will continued low oil prices have on Russia?

  • Interview: Dennis Ross Explains the Middle East

    The Middle East has become the cockpit of international relations in the past few years. The rise of the Islamic State, the collapse of Yemen and, above all, the tumult in Syria have upended the region and drawn in outside powers, including Russia. Is there a prospect of a peace in the Middle East? Or

  • Interview: Akio Takahara

    TNI Editor Jacob Heilbrunn speaks with Professor Akio Takahara of the University of Tokyo.
