• A New Technological Cold War?

    Technology has emerged as a central front in competition among the United States and its two principal geopolitical rivals, China and Russia. From 5G communications to artificial intelligence, quantum computing, autonomous weapons, and clean energy, new and emerging technologies can provide considerable strategic and economic opportunities while reshaping societies and relations among states. In an effort to

  • Unrest in Belarus and Russia’s Response

    Protests across Belarus continue unabated in response to the country’s August 9 presidential election. Will Russia be part of the problem or part of the solution in Belarus? John Herbst, director of the Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council and a former US ambassador to Ukraine, posits that Russia is likely to be a big

  • The Case For And Against Donald Trump

    On August 19, 2020, the Center for the National Interest hosted a debate between Dimitri K. Simes and Dov Zakheim on the choices in November’s presidential election. The discussion was based on two articles that appear as the cover story in the latest issue of The National Interest magazine, “Who’s Worse?”, assessing candidates Donald Trump

  • The World According to Putin: Debating Why World War II Happened

    On the 75th anniversary of the start of the World War II, Russian president Vladimir Putin published an important article in The National Interest in which he cited archival research to reexamine the causes of the war and the Soviet Union’s role in it. The article has prompted considerable debate over its interpretations of history and their implications for current affairs. How strong is Putin’s

  • A Discussion of US-Russian Relations with Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov

    Russia is widely considered today to represent one of the main geopolitical and diplomatic challenges to the United States. While dialogue between the two countries continues, the relationship is increasingly defined by adversity, confrontation, and mistrust. Indeed, appearing recently on Russian television, Ambassador Antonov described the relationship as outright “horrible.” Still, as Secretary of State
