Tag: Ukraine
Should America Seek to Humiliate Russia in Ukraine?
As Russia and Ukraine battle for control over the Donbas, a controversy has begun to emerge about Western war aims. Should the West, as Henry Kissinger recently suggested at Davos, seek to reach an accommodation with Russia that preserves it as a central part of the European balance of power? Or should America and its
Europe’s Energy Crisis and the War in Ukraine
Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine—and its recent decision to halt natural gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria—have provoked searching debates surrounding Europe’s energy dependence on Russia, economic and political vulnerabilities, European climate goals, and policy options to ensure secure and affordable access to energy. How quickly can Europe (and especially Germany) reduce existing energy imports
What Are the Implications of the Ukraine War for Chinese Foreign Policy?
As China grapples with an upsurge in domestic problems, there is increasing speculation that it may attempt to bolster its position abroad. Will it seek to up the pressure on Taiwan and even contemplate an outright invasion? To what extent will it continue to back Russia against Ukraine? How will Beijing manage its relations with
What Does the Ukraine War Mean for China and Taiwan?
The war in Ukraine has thrust the future of Taiwan into the geopolitical spotlight. Does Russia’s attack render it more or less likely that China will attempt forcibly to incorporate Taiwan? Are Russia and China likely to draw together even more closely to oppose American foreign policy ambitions? Or, on the contrary, will the Ukraine
What the War in Ukraine Means for the Future of Russian Governance
The war in Ukraine and the crisis it has triggered in Moscow’s relations with the West has had a major impact on the Russian political system. New laws banning criticism of official policies are being passed, publications and TV stations are being closed, and the general tone of Russian state media is growing harsher and