
  • Event: The Media and American National Security

    On January 15, the Center for the National Interest hosted a discussion of the media and foreign policy based on the article “The Washington Post: the Most Reckless Editorial Page in America,” by Jacob Heilbrunn and James Carden, which appeared in the January/February 2015 issue of The National Interest. Steven Clemons, Washington Editor of the

  • Senator Rand Paul – National Distinguished Service Award 2014

    Senator Paul outlines the principles of “conservative realism” at the 2014 Center for the National Interest Distinguished Service Award Dinner.

  • Event: Ukraine’s Future

    Center Non-Resident Fellow Anya Schmemann moderates a panel on the future of Ukraine.

  • Event: A Conversation with Andranik Migranyan

    On October 9, Andranik Migranyan, Director of the Insitute for Democracy and Cooperation Presented the view from Moscow on the Ukraine Crisis. Susan Eisenhower, President of the Eisenhower Group, moderated the event.

  • Event: Obama’s Climate and Energy Policy

    In a July 11 panel on climate and energy policy, speakers Jeffrey Hopkins, Vice President for Policy and Analysis at the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Vaughan Turekian, Chief International Officer at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Samuel Thernstrom, Executive Director of the Energy Innovation Reform Project and Senior Fellow
