Renowned Russian Journalist Konstantin Remchukov Leads Private Discussion on Latest Developments in Russian Politics
President Vladimir Putin has proposed changes to the Russian constitution potentially enabling him to maintain a predominant role after the end of his presidential term in 2024. His announcement was quickly followed by the resignation of the whole Russian cabinet and his appointment of a new prime minister.
To discuss these tectonic shifts in Russian politics, the Center for the National Interest hosted a private, off-the-record dinner featuring Konstantin Remchukov, the editor in chief and owner of Moscow’s influential daily newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta. Mr. Remchukov, whose piece about the difficulties of Russian political transition was recently published by The National Interest, is among the most influential Russian media voices. He is also a major presence in Russian politics. He chairs the Moscow Public Chamber, frequently appears on Russian TV, and has a weekly program on the opposition Echo Moskvy radio station. His prestigious political salon at home is attended not only by top assistants to Putin and cabinet members, but also by liberal politicians and major cultural personalities. Dimitri Simes, President of the Center for the National Interest, presided over the meeting.