Tag: US FOREIGN AnD NATIonal security POLICy

  • Afghanistan and Central Asia Since the Taliban Takeover

    The shockwaves of the August 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and subsequent Taliban takeover have reverberated across Central Asia. In a water scarce region, Taliban efforts to build the long-desired Qosh Tepa Canal on the Amu Darya River and a water diversion project on the Helmand River have strained relations with downstream Central Asian states

  • How Cyber and Tech Will Shape Great Power Competition

    Both cyber and tech are playing an increasingly prominent role in debates about American national security. To what extent will they influence a new era of great power competition with China and Russia? What course should Washington follow in emphasizing the centrality of cyber? On June 29, the Center for the National Interest invited three

  • Should America Seek to Humiliate Russia in Ukraine?

    As Russia and Ukraine battle for control over the Donbas, a controversy has begun to emerge about Western war aims. Should the West, as Henry Kissinger recently suggested at Davos, seek to reach an accommodation with Russia that preserves it as a central part of the European balance of power? Or should America and its

  • Does Nuclear War Loom with Russia? A Discussion with Dimitri K. Simes.

    The war in Ukraine has confronted America and its allies with questions of central importance about the fate of national security in Europe and elsewhere. Will Russia contemplate the actual use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine or even against NATO countries in the event that the war continues to go badly for Moscow, presenting a

  • What the War in Ukraine Means for the Future of Russian Governance

    The war in Ukraine and the crisis it has triggered in Moscow’s relations with the West has had a major impact on the Russian political system. New laws banning criticism of official policies are being passed, publications and TV stations are being closed, and the general tone of Russian state media is growing harsher and
