Tag: US FOREIGN AnD NATIonal security POLICy

  • After the Debacle: How Can the United States Best Protect its Interests in Afghanistan?

    The U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan is all but complete.  It has sparked a vigorous debate over the merits of the war, the wisdom of the decision to withdraw, and the manner in which the withdrawal was executed.  As we wrestle over what has happened, however, we should not lose sight of the questions still

  • Can the US and Russia Agree on Cyber Rules?

    Ransomware attacks targeting American businesses and critical infrastructure are highlighting how difficult it will be for the Biden administration to achieve its stated goal of stable and predictable relations with Russia.  The nature of the cyber domain blurs old lines that once separated armed combat from espionage, governments from non-state actors, and public diplomacy from

  • Afghanistan: How Should the Biden Administration Manage the Graveyard of Empires?

    In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Milt Bearden, who ran the CIA’s covert support to Afghanistan’s mujahedin during the Soviet war, published a prescient article cautioning the United States against biting off more than it could chew in what he called “the graveyard of empires.”  His advice went unheeded.  Some twenty years later, the

  • The Challenge of Iran

    As the Biden administration surveys the Middle East, one of its top priorities will be how to deal with the threats to the region posed by Iran’s nuclear and missile programs, which have continued to evolve since the US withdrew from the Joint Cooperative Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2018. At the same time, relations between Israel and

  • Fit for Purpose?: The US-Japan Alliance at 60

    As part of the Center for the National Interest’s series examining the evolving security relationship between the United States and Japan, the Center hosted a panel discussion on February 12, 2021 to discuss the nature of the alliance after sixty years.  This session addressed the current policy effectiveness of the US-Japan alliance and prospects for
