
  • Dealing with Dictators

    The Center for the National Interest hosted a discussion entitled “Dealing with Dictators” on Monday, June 19. Former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula J. Dobriansky moderated. Americans have debated U.S. relations with authoritarian leaders and their governments for decades. Since entering office, President Donald Trump has met authoritarian leaders from China, Saudi

  • Preventive War: Does it Work?

    The Center for the National Interest hosted a panel discussion entitled “Preventive War: Does It Work?” with James Carafano, Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, and Michael O’Hanlon, Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution. Dov Zakheim, a former Under Secretary of Defense in the George W.

  • U.S. Sanctions on Russia: Objectives, Impacts, and Options

    The Obama administration imposed several rounds of U.S. economic sanctions on Moscow in a series of executive orders following Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its support for separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. So far, the Trump administration has not signaled any intent to change U.S. sanctions policy absent changes in Russia’s conduct. Nevertheless, concerns that

  • The NATO Summit

    President Donald Trump’s calls on NATO allies to do more, his earlier assertion that NATO is “obsolete,” and his willingness to explore a more cooperative U.S.-Russia relationship have provoked considerable discussion and debate surrounding America’s relationship with NATO and its other members. As the president’s first NATO summit, the May 25 Brussels meeting could prove

  • Destined for War?

    On April 26, the Center for the National Interest hosted a lunch panel discussion with Professor Graham Allison on his new cover story in the National Interest magazine on China and America entitled “Destined For War?” Allison is the director of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center, the author of the important new book Destined
